This The Reason Why You Should Consider Taking Your Cat Out On A Leash
We see most people walk their dogs on a leash, and very rarely it’s a cat rather than a dog. If you are wondering whether that’s a good idea or not, we can tell you that yes, it actually is. Cats don’t really keep humans company during walks just like dogs do, but if you have the time and patience to get your cat to take walks with you, it can be a very beneficial activity for both of you. We are perfectly aware of all the health benefits of walks for humans, but pretty much the same is also true for your feline companions as well! As you probably know, many humane societies and animal advisers aren’t really supportive of the idea of cats being allowed to come and go as they please, so taking a cat out on a walk is the best way for them to get some exercise and enjoy the outdoors in a safe way. Outdoors cats are at a greater risk of illness and injury compared to indoor cats, so if you don’t have a secure enclosure, walking them on a leash is a much safer option.