Say Hi To Yana, The Gorgeous Two-Faced Kitty
Most people don’t like the term ‘two-faced’ and this is only natural when you think about the negative connotations of the word. But the word still perfectly describes this cat named Yana and you will better understand what we mean when you see her pictures. Yana is a chimeric cat with the most beautiful unique fur markings. This unique cat was first posted in a classified advert on a Belarussian website called Nasha Niva in July 2016. She was up for adoption and it didn’t really take her long to find a new owner!
This is Yana the two-faced kitty and she is yet another miracle of Mother Nature.
Her split colored face makes her a perfect model for photos!
This is her owner Elizabeth, an architect and design student from Osha, Belarus, who studies at the National Technical University in Minsk.
Here, Yana is taking a walk out in the snow with her owner
Yana is quite popular on the internet with her 17k followers on Instagram!