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These Sour-Faced Maine Coon Kittens Will Definitely Make You Laugh

These photos of these fluffy Maine Coon siblings were shared by a cattery in Russia called Catsvill County, and we are sure they’re going to win your hearts despite their grumpy expressions! Scroll down if you love cats as much as we do!

You Will Be Amazed By This Flawlessly Timed Cat Photos Taken At The Very Right Moment

Photographing cats is always a great idea since they are very elegant and majestic creatures and their photos usually turn out very beautiful. However, sometimes you get to take a truly unique photo with a little bit of luck.

This Artist Replaces Other Animals’ Faces With Cats and The Results Are Hilarious

Galina Bugaevskaya is an artist from Moscow that has a huge love for cats. She loves them so much that she opened a webpage named ‘Koty Vezde’ (Cats Everywhere) where she photoshops cat faces instead of the faces of other animals such as bees, pandas, snails, and zebras.

These Hot Australian Firefighters Raise Money For Charity By Posing With Adorable Cats For A Calendar

These Australian firefighters are already so hot but when they team up with adorable kittens they simply become irresistible!

This Guy Adds Giant Cats To Various Photos Using Photoshop And The Results Are Just Hilarious

We know one thing about Photoshop for sure, it is definitely so much fun when you don't use it to alter human bodies. It gives us the ability to manipulate and alter every image to our hearts' content which is simply amazing and we are happy that the technological advancements we have today are allowing us to do something so interesting. Some artists do create some incredible things using Photoshop such as this artist we are going to talk about today named Fransdita Muafidin who increases the size of the cats and superimposes them over very famous landmarks! Cats have been a big source of inspiration for many artists over the years and the internet has made them even more popular. We've all seen the photos of these places before but add them a Cat-Zilla and boom! You have something new and definitely worth seeing! Check out our gallery below to see more of Fransdita's work for yourself!

If You Think Your Cat Is Funny, Wait Until You See These Goofy Maine Coon Cats

Maine Coon cats are truly magnificent creatures. They are gigantic for a domestic cat and they have Viking blood in their veins, so the fact that they’re so majestic is not really unexpected. However, despite their elegance and mystical aura, they are just cats just like any other cat breed.

This Poor Havana Cat Rescued By A Shelter Had Been Mistreated Badly For Years

This cat’s story began when a group of cats was rescued and taken to Five Acres Animal Shelter in Missouri a year ago. The staff there were more than surprised when they found out this cat is actually a rare breed called the Havana Brown.

Kitten And Man Becomes Best Friends After It Crawls Up To Him While Fishing

The man in this story was fishing by the lake one day when this adorable cat crawled up to him meowing for some cuddles. 

These Gigantic Maine Coons Will Win Your Heart

If you've never heard of them before, the Maine Coons are one of the largest domestic cat breeds on our planet. Male Maine Coons can weigh up to 35 lbs (16 kg) and sometimes even more! No one knows their origin for certain, but there are a lot of theories and myths about it, and according to one of these, they are a mix-breed between a cat and a raccoon. Another theory suggests that the Queen of France, Marie Antoinette tried to save her favorite Turkish Angora cats from extinction. Sadly, she couldn’t make it to the U.S. but the cats allegedly landed on the shores of Wiscasset, Maine, where they started breeding.

These Cats Are So Stunning That They Are Going To Blow Your Mind

We love all cats as each of them is so fluffy and adorable, but there are some cats that are so unique that they manage to stand out. They are so beautiful that they can even think of modeling as a career! Here in this list, we put together 21 examples of the most beautiful cats around the world. Enjoy!

Say Hi To Fat Xiang, The New Famous Meme Cat

This is Fat Xiang (Lucky) and he lives in Thailand. According to his owner, he is a ‘sleepy influencer’.

This Kitten Who Has Two Heads Meows From Both Mouths And It’s Absolutely Mindblowing

Nature never ceases to amaze us, and today we are giving you yet another example of how full of incredible creatures it actually can be! This kitty from Perth, Australia named Quasimodo was born with two heads! Since the momma cat was having labor complications, the delivery process was made via surgery by a skilled local veterinarian, however, they weren’t expecting what they saw at all when the baby finally was born. One of the nurses that was present in the delivery room that day later told that everyone in the room was totally shocked because while the occasional extra tail or leg is not unheard of, an extra head was definitely something new!